- As in any part of a community, the labor should be divided. No one person or one family should be expected to do all of the work, while other people pay rent. We've thought about this, and see the division of labor and our collective income as the following:
- Financial Style - Members should have independent finances, but will be expected to contribute to the running of the retreat
- Labor Contribution - We will be a forming community with far more needs for work at first that people to do it. Work/chores will be discussed and shared, and most will probably be alternated by weeks or months. Work will involve physical labor, project teams, and administrative support.
- Join Fee and Regular Fees: To be determined
Here's a favorite topic: specialities. This will be a self-sufficient farming community and retreat. We'll need people experienced with ...
- gardening/farming, including growing bayberry (for candles), black elderberry, cotton, corn, wheat, millet, sunflowers, herbs, gourds, loofa, orchards of fruit and nut trees, and all kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs
- animal husbandry for mini cattle, alpacas, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, tilapia, and more
- bee-keeping including harvesting honey and wax
- soap-making & candle-making
- menu-planning, nutrition, cooking, dehydrating, canning and other means of food preservation
- creating and maintaining power through solar, wind, hydro, bio-diesel, etc.
- first aid / medicine / doula & childbirth
- ham radio / cb / morse code
- woodworking & metal working
- flamecutting and arc welding
- pottery and ceramics
- leathercrafting
- basketmaking
- sewing, macrame', knitting, quilting, spinning, weaving, knots & net-making
- home repair and maintenance
- hunting, trapping, slingshots, bows/arrows, and defense
- beer making, vinegar making, wine-making, cheese-making, yogurt-making, and canning
- water purification
- music and art
- concrete and masonry
- astronomy
- childhood education
- business, as it relates to running a bed-and-breakfast (our meditation retreat) and basic business practices including accounting and marketing
- construction (barns, underground buildings, gazebo, arbors, etc.)

Isn't this exciting? Living in close proximity with people who feel the same way about life, spirit, family and more?